Event Calendar

FRGS Beginners SIG Meeting – September 2022


The Fredericksburg Regional Genealogical Society (FRGS) is having a monthly Beginners SIG meeting via Zoom on the 4th Wednesday of each month from 7 to 8 PM ET. Julie Cabitto is your host for the Beginner SIG. Topics covered will be based on member needs and may include: working with family trees finding information in common online repositories basic computer help with commonly used actions such as  downloading and organizing files genealogy source evaluation and organization topics requested by members We hope you will join us! Please register in advance to receive your customized Zoom meeting link: Register

FRGS Beginners SIG Meeting – October 2022


The Fredericksburg Regional Genealogical Society (FRGS) is having a monthly Beginners SIG meeting via Zoom on the 4th Wednesday of each month from 7 to 8 PM ET. Julie Cabitto is your host for the Beginner SIG.

The Fredericksburg Regional Genealogical Society was organized in 1993 to encourage genealogical research, share genealogical knowledge, educate members on methods and standards, preserve genealogical records, and promote fellowship among its members.